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hey all

so this site is much reduced from what it was, and that's on purpose
it turns out the project ran away from me, and it was mostly just me practicing html and css instead of making a functioning site
i have archived the old version, but if i'm being honest this is more what i wanted to create in the first place anyways.

there is no javascript on this site, no tracking, no nothing
the best way to reach me as of this writing is probably email or discord or something but i won't just pop my discord here i guess
if you know me, there are better ways to communicate but i'll see if i can get a better way going that doesn't rely on tumblr

this is the new site, and I'll add stuff as I think of it


these are my fanfics, unsorted and unlabeled
check out my archive of our own link to look at these properly, these are just pdf rips from that site
these are kept here in case something happens to the archive, and are provided here if you don't want to use that site for some reason
